Raven's nest
Witches' water Söll
- The raven's nest is a cozy place full of secrets and treasures for raven parents and raven children.
It is a misconception that ravens are not caring parents. "Raven parents" look after their offspring with devotion, stay together with the same partner for life and raise their young as a couple. They take great care of their offspring, feeding and defending them. However, young ravens and crows quickly fall out of the nest and then hop around on the ground, seemingly abandoned - which probably led to the term "raven parents" and gave them an unjustly bad reputation. Just as the reputation of witches is not always good.
In any case, the witch in the raven's nest looks after me like a real raven mother and reveals a secret or two about her intelligent black companion. It is well known that ravens and crows like to collect glittering stones, jewelry, coins and other treasures as well as small treats. I can also find all these treasures in the raven's nest. Here you can find everything you need for a healthy picnic, witches' water and beautiful bottles, lots of souvenirs, witches' brooms and hats, games, T-shirts, tees and many other beautiful things from the region - for myself or a wide variety of gifts for my loved ones at home.
Further stations in the Hexenwasser