My joy to the power of 7
Seven unique Mountain theme parks in the largest mountain adventure offer in the Alps
I find unique nature experiences with the summer mountain railroads of the Wilder Kaiser - Brixental region from May to November, with the convenient "feeder" for every kind of mountain sport. Most of the lifts and trails are accessible with baby carriages or wheelchairs.
The Bergbahn Erlebnis-Card is valid for unlimited use of 14 mountain lifts and includes visits to the seven BergErlebnisWelten(Hexenwasser Söll Hohe Salve, Ellmi's Zauberwelt, KaiserWelt Scheffau, RiesenWelt Brixen im Thale, Astberg Pony Alm Going, Alpinolino Westendorf and Hohe Salve Hopfgarten Söll) as well as the "KaiserJet", the free hiking and bathing bus service between Going, Ellmau, Scheffau and Söll.
Over 700 km of well-maintained hiking trails in all levels of difficulty, more than 50 rustic alpine pastures and huts, over 400 km of mountain bike trails and fantastic panoramic views of over 70 "3000m peaks" also await me!

The Mountain thme parks of the Wilder Kaiser - Brixental summer cable cars are among the most popular excursion destinations in Tyrol and Austria. All of them are easily accessible via our award-winning Tyrolean summer lifts.
Whether it's a vacation with children, your family vacation or a hiking vacation full of mountain experiences, the Wilder Kaiser-Brixental region in the heart of the Kitzbühel Alps in Tyrol with the member villages of Brixen im Thale, Ellmau, Going, Hopfgarten, Itter, Kelchsau, Scheffau, Söll, Westendorf and Kirchberg offers me the greatest mountain experience in the Alps.