KaiserWelt Scheffau
Play in the KaiserWelt, enjoy peace and quiet at the Jochstub'n lake
KaiserWelt Scheffau is located between the mountain station of the Scheffau-Brandstadl 8-seater gondola lift and the Brandstadl mountain restaurant. A turbulent gemstone hunt with unforgettable experiences awaits me there. Past winding paths, secret tree huts, hidden streams and charming climbing walls, I can follow in the footsteps of the old emperor right through the enchanted KaiserWald forest.
Little by little, I get deeper and deeper into the mysterious forest, which has a total of 7 different stations . Each of them reveals an auspicious story in which it informs me about the old emperor's lost 7 gems. Together with the emperor's son, I am given the chance to embark on an unforgettable journey with countless exciting tasks and puzzles. If I master the challenge and find all 7 gems again, a small reward awaits me in the emperor's store after the successful stone hunt.

Leisurely hikes
For leisurely hikers like me, I recommend the giant adventure trail on the Hartkaiser Ellmau, the Kaiser circular trail, the Murmel circular trail, the Eibergrund trail, the Aualm circular trail and the trail to the romantic Jochstub'n lake. This idyllic mountain lake is a refuge for me when I'm looking for peace and relaxation in the majestic mountain world: sitting comfortably in a deckchair, I can let my gaze wander over the Wilder Kaiser and the Kitzbühel Alps.
The sun terraces of the mountain inns also offer a fantastic view of the Wilder Kaiser massif and the Hohe Tauern. A Kaiserschmarrn pancake or a typical Tyrolean snack round off the enjoyment experience perfectly - it whets my appetite for more!
Kaiserliche Wohlfühlplattform - Not far from the KaiserWelt, I find the Kaiserliche Wohlfühlplattform, which towers above Scheffau and offers wonderful views of the surrounding mountains. The perfect place to take a great souvenir photo under the "Kaiser crown".
Rain in the KaiserWelt
In the KaiserLaden, I not only find the old emperor's gemstones, but also many other treasures. I can give free rein to my creativity in the Kaiserliche Bastelstube (in the vacation season) and make and play to my heart's content. Covered play stations await me in the KaiserWelt and I can hide in the tree huts and enchanted passages in the KaiserWald.
Barrier-free in the KaiserWelt
The paths in the KaiserWelt are suitable for baby carriages.
Most of the tours around the KaiserWelt are suitable for baby carriages. The Kaiserrundweg, Hartkaiser Ellmau and Filzalmsee are suitable for baby carriages & co. The Murmelrundweg, Jochstub'nweg and Aualmweg are only partially suitable for baby carriages as they are steep in places.