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SkiWelt Wilder Kaiser - Brixental - Anita Baumgartner
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Om sommeren byder temaparkerne i bjergene på mange spændende arrangementer for hele familien. Om vinteren forvandles vores bjergverden til SkiWelt Wilder Kaiser - Brixental skiområde med arrangementer i det snedækkede landskab. Hele året rundt kan du nyde unikke oplevelser midt i vores betagende bjerglandskab.



Wochenprogramm SkiWelt

Highlights SkiWelt

Hütten-Events SkiWelt

Bergadvent 3
Bergadvent am Hartkaiser
Fr., 06.12.2024
Ellmau - am Hartkaiser, Ellmau
16:30 Klokken
There are many Christmas markets. But only a few actually put romance above the commercial idea. In Ellmau (Tyrol) special attention was paid to the harmonious setting and "Ellmi's enchanting BERGADVENT" was staged where the fascination of the pre-Christmas season is best felt - directly in the snow-covered forest, high up on the mountain. In front of you is only the impressive evening scenery of the Wilder Kaiser and a starry winter sky. On Friday and Saturday (from 4:30pm to 10pm), gingerbread and mulled wine scents lure you. In the magic forest around the panorama restaurant "Bergkaiser" seven stations are to be hiked in a comfortable walk. Each individual Christmas hut fascinates in its own way. "Engelsstimmen & Weihnachtsgeschichten" (Angel Voices & Christmas Stories) is the title of a station. At the next stop, visitors will find Christmas tree decorations and children's Christmas trees from times long past. It is clear that food and drink along the torch-lined BERGADVENT path must not be neglected; but here, too, the organisers do not forget in their offer that everything should revolve around an authentic pre-Christmas period. The "high altitude character" of the Ellmauer BERGADVENT doesn't have to scare anyone either, as the ultra-modern XLarge 10 gondola lift takes you comfortably to your destination and back to the valley. Programme subject to change!
Pistenraupentour (2).jpg
Tur med snerydder
Sa., 07.12.2024 - Di., 10.12.2024
14:30 Klokken
Oplev vores præpareringsmandskab helt tæt på! Tag plads i førerkabinen, og oplev den teknologi, som vores sneeksperter bruger til at præparere SkiWelt-pisterne perfekt. Gratis | ingen forudbestilling nødvendig
Vinteråbning på 'Alte Mittel'
Sa., 14.12.2024
11:00 Klokken
Bergadvent am Hartkaiser
Fr., 06.12.2024 - Sa., 21.12.2024
Ellmau - am Hartkaiser, Ellmau
16:30 Klokken
There are many Christmas markets. But only a few actually put romance above the commercial idea. In Ellmau (Tyrol) special attention was paid to the harmonious setting and "Ellmi's enchanting BERGADVENT" was staged where the fascination of the pre-Christmas season is best felt - directly in the snow-covered forest, high up on the mountain. In front of you is only the impressive evening scenery of the Wilder Kaiser and a starry winter sky. On Friday and Saturday (from 4:30pm to 10pm), gingerbread and mulled wine scents lure you. In the magic forest around the panorama restaurant "Bergkaiser" seven stations are to be hiked in a comfortable walk. Each individual Christmas hut fascinates in its own way. "Engelsstimmen & Weihnachtsgeschichten" (Angel Voices & Christmas Stories) is the title of a station. At the next stop, visitors will find Christmas tree decorations and children's Christmas trees from times long past. It is clear that food and drink along the torch-lined BERGADVENT path must not be neglected; but here, too, the organisers do not forget in their offer that everything should revolve around an authentic pre-Christmas period. The "high altitude character" of the Ellmauer BERGADVENT doesn't have to scare anyone either, as the ultra-modern XLarge 10 gondola lift takes you comfortably to your destination and back to the valley. Programme subject to change!
Pistenraupentour (2).jpg
Tur med snerydder
Sa., 07.12.2024 - So., 30.03.2025
14:30 Klokken
Oplev vores præpareringsmandskab helt tæt på! Tag plads i førerkabinen, og oplev den teknologi, som vores sneeksperter bruger til at præparere SkiWelt-pisterne perfekt. Gratis | ingen forudbestilling nødvendig
Vinteråbning på 'Alte Mittel'
Sa., 14.12.2024
11:00 Klokken
Tyrol Stones i Moonlight-Bar
Mo., 16.12.2024 - So., 30.03.2025
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Heksebryg foran Simonalm
Deltag i et par sneboldkampe med heksene, og med lidt held kan du brygge din egen heksedrik over bålet, som du er velkommen til at prøve gratis! Her finder du også den populære 'Snemændenes Have'. Mødested: Simonalm: Simonalm
Do., 26.12.2024 - So., 30.03.2025
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